
This is your invitation to be COURAGEOUS!

Start now!

Courageous Conversations is a series of free online webinars exploring gender stereotypes and inequality and how they link to unhealthy relationships and violence against women.

 We all have a role to play in challenging injustice. You can be an active bystander by adding your voice to these important conversations.

 Be a part of creating your community, a community that is just, a community where

- everyone is equal

- boys and girls, men and women have the same opportunities

- violence against women is not tolerated


These webinars allow you to

-       reflect on your values and beliefs

-       get informed with facts and stats

-       build your confidence to challenge inequality and sexism when you see it in your daily life


The webinars are free, and allow you to work through the material at your own pace, and you can invite others to be courageous as well. They are suitable for all men and women aged over 16.


What have others said about the online program?

“I thought it was a great eye opener.”

 “So powerful, it’s excellent.”

“The conversations (panellists) were clear and the content easy to understand.”

 “I liked this style of presentation, it's not the usual boring workshop or ZOOM.”

 What have others said about the impact of the program?

“I was surprised that we push these views and gender stereotypes onto our children and how this affects the violence in our community”.

 “What I took from the program was the importance of having these conversations around respectful relationships and to be aware of my hidden privileges”

 “My husband’s father has always made comments about women that put them down in subtle ways. This has always made me uncomfortable, but I have never said anything to him about it … I now know these are sexist comments. When he made another comment this week I told him that I felt this was disrespectful to my mother in law and myself…he actually apologised!”  

 “I have been talking to my son about how colours are not boys or girls, they are just colours.  

  “I have been very aware this week about how I speak to my son and my daughter, last week I was thinking about how I treat them a bit differently and this week was really conscious of not doing that.”


If you are interested in doing this program as a face to face or online group, or a workshop in your workplace contact us on 9677 1962 or email


Courageous Conversations online starts with a series of 6 modules:

1.    About Courageous Conversations

An overview of violence against women and the concept of Courageous Conversations

2.    Where does violence against women start

Provides more statistical information about the impact of violence against women and the underlying social conditions of gender sterotypes, gender inequality and power and control

3.    But ‘Why don’t they leave’?

Explores the barriers to women leaving violent relationships

4.    Respectful Relationships

This module looks at the gendered drivers of violence against women including stereotypes, patriarchy and privilege, and the importance of respect in ending violence.

5.    Be an active bystander

Consider your role in taking action and get tips on direct and indirect action you can take.

 6.    Ask the Panel

 There are then a series of panel discussions, exploring some of the content in more detail:

1.    “The Gender Reveal”: the panel explores where gender stereotyping starts and the impact it has on girls and boys

 2.    “It’s no joking matter”: the panel builds on the stereotyping discussion in the previous session and explores casual sexism and how it can become embedded in our culture

 3.    “Fake News”: talks about how media can influence attitudes and beliefs, and reinforce societal norms and stereotypes

 4.    “Breaking Free”: in this session the panel explores the impact of trauma and intersectionality. It is a deeper dive into the barriers women face in leaving violent relationships and how you can be an effective and supportive bystander

 5.    “It’s Complicated”: the panel discuss ‘Red flags’ and signs of healthy and unhealthy relationshipsAL ACTION

Download the Courageous Conversations flyer here


Research, reports and data